Report Fraud, Waste and Abuse

Staff, officers, vendors, or patient/members of our medical group can confidentially report concerns about suspected issues of illegal, prohibited, unethical, and irresponsible acts to its compliance officer/privacy officer. These acts may impact us in several ways: Personal safety and security can be at risk; financial losses reducing the opportunity to maximize the potential at our group; and certain noncompliant activities could result in potential legal or regulatory penalties. It is everyone’s responsibility and you are required to help prevent these activities. Please care; you must and should “make a difference” by speaking up.

Employees and providers are required by law and by HPN and our codes of conduct, compliance plan, and company policies to notify the compliance officer/privacy officer about any suspected fraud, waste, and abuse, and noncompliance.

In other words, you are expected to call, email, write, or fax the compliance officer whenever you become aware of any suspected illegal, unethical or noncompliant activities that violate the codes of conduct, policy, law or regulation. This includes any suspected HIPAA privacy or security issues.

Process: Confidential reporting system is provided by the company’s’ compliance officer and privacy officer, Jeff Baron. A caller may leave a message on the confidential hotline via email, mail, or fax. If a call back number is left, the compliance officer will return the call within 24–72 hours.

Anonymous and Confidential: Providers or members may remain anonymous when calling the confidential hotline. If the caller opts to remain anonymous, no effort will be made to identify the caller. If callers choose to provide their name, the report will still be considered confidential and privileged to the legal extent possible.

Protection: Employees cannot and will not be retaliated against for contacting the compliance officer or confidential hotline in good faith to report any suspected fraud, waste, abuse or noncompliance.

Our Promise: All calls will be taken seriously and investigated in a timely manner.

Confidential methods to report fraud, waste and abuse, noncompliance, and/or HIPAA privacy or security concerns:

Hotline: (844) 752-3921 (toll-free) or (818) 810-4633


Fax: (818) 933-0598

Compliance Officer/Privacy Officer
ADOC Medical Group
8510 Balboa Boulevard, Suite 150
Northridge, CA 91325