How to Find an Urgent Care

If there is a Life threatening emergency…always call 911
Using an Urgent Care facility rather than an Emergency room will reduce your
out of pocket costs and get you the urgent care you need. Click here for more
information about Urgency Vs Emergency

Urgent care co-pay: May range from $10 to $25
Emergency room co-pay: May range from $150 to $250

Note: Please first select a network by clicking on the network links available in the
right side of this screen.

Urgency vs Emergency

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Our Urgent Care Centers

In an event of an emergency, you are covered at any hospital, and can receive emergency care at any hospital as needed whether it is in-network or out-of-network.

If you are having a life-threatening emergency, please call 911.

Sometimes, it happens. You or a family member need to get unexpected medical care – and quickly.

However, if it isn’t an emergency, consider using an urgent care center instead of an emergency room. By doing so, you will reduce your out-of-pocket costs and avoid the long waits of an emergency room.

Our Timeline

Our urgent care centers provide you with:

  • Regular and consistent hours, including evenings and weekends
  • Walk-in appointments
  • Care focused on you

Often times, urgent care centers also provide shorter wait times and fewer out-of-pocket costs than emergency rooms.


When to go?

Our full-service urgent care centers are right in your area. They are part of our network, so you don’t have to worry about unexpected costs. We created this program to make sure you receive the best care right in your neighborhood. Our urgent care centers treat a variety of illnesses and injuries.

Nearly all of our urgent care centers also have on-site diagnostic equipment, including blood draw and x-ray, to ensure quick treatment and recovery.

Visit the urgent care if you have any of these symptoms:

  • Mild abdominal pain
  • Mild chest pain
  • Palpitations (racing heartbeat, skipped beats, extra beats)
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Back pain
  • Nose bleed
  • Mild shortness of breath/breathing difficulty
  • Sore throat, bad cough and cold symptoms
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation
  • Rectal or vaginal bleeding
  • Mild dehydration
  • IV medications/infusion
  • Cuts, scrapes, burns, bad bruises, sprains, fractures
  • Mild car or bicycle accident
  • Earache or toothache
  • Dizziness
  • Swollen or painful arms or legs
  • Rash
  • High blood pressure
  • Vision/eye problem
  • Bladder or kidney infection, kidney stone
  • Evaluation for possible sexually transmitted infection
  • Blood in stool or urine
  • Neck pain
  • Fainting/feeling light headed
  • Abscess/boil
  • Mild head/face injury
  • Joint pain
  • Diabetes (not controlled)


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